EXCEED MAY 2017 May_Emag | Page 38

Paddle board yoga to improve one’s fitness Tail End Charlie is always a must Poor Graham and Marie forever in dust Marie's messages in such a soft and docile tone Tells that Graham is not ever alone A night of verse by Carol was suggested But some of the younger were not at all interested Some of the jottings were really quite fine Brian surprised all, for he had his on line Monday morning after a very wet night We were ready to pack, and to take flight Our leader suggested we head to Nathalia The Red Gum Information Centre the best in Australia The trip it then came to an end With promises to Ron that we would all send Not only photos and the occasional trip report But grudgingly other things, including this retort Mister Seaborn whose first name was Ted Was my English teacher, and he always said A writer or poet I would not make Which makes me think this is a mistake Graham Halliburton - # 1740 (Thanks ever so much Graham, for proving Ted Seaborn wrong ) 36 Vol No. 34 4 No. 4- May Vol 34 - May 2017 2017