EXCEED MAY 2017 May_Emag | Page 36

River Red Gums Trip continued from April Exceed

River Red Gums Trip
The Labour long weekend near upon us The club website with trips did near bust A choice was made , the Mighty Murray with the Reeds I met the group at Heathcote , this met my needs
Ron and Carol the area they had reconnoitred A camp site at Swifts Creek had been selected Arriving late in the morning Tents were erected , including awnings
Lunch was taken then off to explore The tracks are many , yet there are more Along the Murray and the Edward to name just two We swapped positions , as good convoys do
David had trouble , but not under the hood Just his radio , it was not real good A hand held gladly and promptly lent Messages a plenty then could be sent
I was in the lead when there up ahead Some water crossings that some may dread Millie ’ s driving off-road , it was her first time She was not impressed with mud and slime
The lass was ever so brave we all did feel She gritted her teeth and gripped the wheel Four lives were in her hands do not forget And her hands we know were wet with sweat
She selected gear and approached with care Now we all agreed that she crossed it fair Her relief outweighed by her excitement For she had crossed without an incident
Millie now was in the groove Emus on the road she told to move We all do feel she ' s going home To buy a 4 . w . d . of her own
Down to the bird hide our group did go To have some fivesees if you must know
34 Vol 34 No . 4- May 2017 Vol 34 No . 4 - May 2017