Exceed Jul/Aug 2020 - 4WD Club Magazine Volume #37 Issue #4 | Page 22

Pajero 4WD Club of Victoria 2019 -2020 Annual Membership Report Membership Overview The chart below, details the Membership Numbers and Member attendance at general meetings month on month, across the 2019-2020 Membership year. Total Membership numbers have cycled up and down over the past 7 years although the trend has gradually been down. Total membership at the end of 19-20 was slightly lower than the previous year, however, we have had a steady intake of new members across the year and membership renewals for 2020 has been favorable this year to last. Attendance at Member Meetings has also been strong again this past year, especially as we came into the warmer weather. Numbers overall are up on last year and the new meeting format seems to be popular with members. There is no meeting in January and the Club was required to suspend meetings from March onward due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions. MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS & MEETING AT TENDANCES 2019-2020 324 257 260 Members Visitors Total Membership 296 297 302 308 315 315 316 286 272 210 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 13 92 70 97 90 101 109 123 105 M A Y J U N E J U L Y A U G S E P T O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R C H A P R I L M A Y Length of Membership Summary May-19 May-20 =>30 Years 12 18 =>20 Years 37 33 =>10 Years 84 90 <10 Years 191 175 Total 324 316 Membership Categories May-19 May-20 Honorary 1 0 Life 11 12 Family 292 241 Single 60 63 Total 324 316