Trip Vacancies challenges along the route. An easy drive but adventurous at the same time. The event is open to all comers, no club membership is required. MEETING ADDRESS: Marysville for dinner on the first night. All details will be provided upon registration. Tony & Merle Lear may participate subject to confirming a clash of dates with another trip. TYPE OF ACTIVITY: CLUB EVENT (blanket insurance – click fields below to enter further details). TRIP/EVENT STANDARD: EASY TRACK CLASSIFICATION: Easy – Green Circle MINIMUM DRIVER TRAINING REQUIRED: None IS THIS TRIP SUITABLE FOR AN ALL WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLE – (SOFT ROADER)? YES VEHICLE & RECOVERY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE ON THE TRIP: Road Tyres APPROPRIATE MAPS: Trip details will be provided. APPROXIMATE DISTANCE: Moderate, fuel enroute. VEHICLE CONVOY NUMBERS – MAXIMUM: Plenty ACCOMMODATION: Tents, Camper, Van, Accommodated IF THIS IS AN OVERNIGHT ACTIVITY PROVIDE DETAILS: Accommodation to be arranged and costs to be paid by each entrant, options from tents, campers, vans (?) or cabins/motels. COSTS – ACCOMMODATION / CAMPING: Depending upon your preferred accommodation option. THE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO ALL ACTIVITIES BOOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Registration must be via email to the Trip Leader with the following details: Member Name: Member No: Mobile No: Email: Passenger Name/s: Vehicle: Auto/Manual: Fuel type: Level of Driver Training: First Aid Qualifications. Remember: each membership is only entitled to a single booking – no booking on behalf of others. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please complete the Personal Details form for each person in your vehicle in triplicate, one for your vehicle, one for the TL and one for Charlie (TEC). Provide in sealed envelopes with name on the outside. These details will be handed over in the event of a medical emergency otherwise they will be returned upon completion of the activity. Trips are for members and their immediate family however Guest are permitted at the discretion of the Trip Leader but must be pre-registered as a Temporary Member BEFORE departure to ensure insurance coverage. Download the Temporary Membership form and have it proposed by yourself and seconded by the Trip Leader. Personal detail (Medical) forms must be completed prior to the commencement of trip. http://pajeroclub. com.au/Documents/EmergencyDetailsForm.pdf MEDICAL/ALLERGY DISCLAIMER: It is the responsibility of each individual and parents to inform the trip leader of any medical conditions/ allergies (this being food, plant or animal) – which may cause an adverse reaction affecting yours or your 
child’s health. Additionally, please advise the trip leader of any medication to be administered 
should this be necessary. 26 Vol 34 No. 6- Aug/Sept