climbed up out of camp and headed through
Matlock before leaving the Woods Point Road
for more tracks, including Corn Hill and
Boundary tracks. At one point after a long
traverse of a track we came across an
enormous tree blocking our way. We were
only about 40 metres from the track end and
the intersection but there was no way around,
a bank on one side and a drop off on the
other. A motorbike could get through but we
were doing 10 point turns and backtracking to
find an alternative route out. We had cleared
a number of smaller trees across the tracks
with the chainsaws we were carrying but this
one was bulldozer material. We eventually
arrived at Cumberland Junction where we
aired up for the drive into Marysville for lunch
at the bakery and the end of the trip.
Thanks to Ian Salmon and Anthony Saul for
leading an eventful and very enjoyable 5 day