Exams Performed in the Echocardiography (ECHO) Lab Echocardiography (Echo) Lab | Seite 17

If you use an inhaler for your breathing, please bring it to the test. NOTE: Do not discontinue any medication without first talking with your physician. Guidelines for People with Diabetes If you take insulin to help control your blood sugar, ask your physician what dose you should take the day of the test. It is common for a physician to suggest taking half the usual morning dose and eating a light meal four hours before the test. If you take pills to help control your blood sugar, DO NOT take your medication until after the test is complete. DO NOT take your diabetes medication and skip a meal before the test. If you own a glucose monitor, please check your blood sugar levels before and shortly after the test. If you think your blood sugar is low, tell the lab personnel immediately. Plan to eat and take your oral diabetes medication after your test is complete. What should I wear on the day of the test? You may wear anything you like. You will change into a hospital gown prior to starting the test. Please do not bring valuables. What happens during the test? • You should arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment. • Before the test, a health care provider will explain the procedure in detail, including possible complications or side effects. Please take this opportunity to ask any questions you may have. • Your echo will take place in the Echo Lab. The clinical care area is under physician supervision. • You will be given a hospital gown to wear and asked to remove your clothing from the waist up. Your chest will be partially exposed to allow the cardiac sonographer to acquire the necessary images. • A cardiac sonographer will gently rub 10 small areas on your chest and place special patches or electrodes on these areas. These electrodes are attached to an electrocardiograph (ECG) monitor that displays your heart’s electrical activity.