Examining Springfield’s Environmental Equity CLF Report DB | Page 6

Lowest Tree Canopy Analyzed at Block Level
Figure 2 . i-Tree Landscape Springfield Lowest Tree Canopy Analyzed at Block Level Map
Figures 2 and 3 provide details outlining the lowest tree canopy analyzed at the block level in Springfield , MA . The i-Tree Landscape colorcoded map showcases areas with the least amount of tree canopy cover , indicating the stark disparities in green infrastructure across the city . These areas , characterized by minimal tree coverage , coincide with neighborhoods that have the highest percentages of residents living below the poverty line , the lowest income , and the highest percentage of minorities . The visualization underscores the urgent need for targeted interventions and tree planting efforts in these disadvantaged communities to address environmental justice concerns and promote equitable access to the numerous benefits provided by urban trees .
Figure 3 . i-Tree Landscape Springfield Lowest Tree Canopy Analyzed at Block Level Data Chart
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