Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 8

On the 14th November 2016, we will be experiencing a rare super moon, which was last seen 68 years ago in 1948. This phenomenon will not be seen again until 25 November 2034. The full moon will fall in the skies of Taurus which indicate that this moon will bring us illumination and insight. The last supermoon for the year will be on the 14 December, falling into Gemini skies. This is because as the moon moved into our sphere it disrupted our bodies which are made of 70% water. Our bodies feel the pull of the moon. The moon has been dragging the negative past out of us. Most of you will have noticed that hurtful memories were surfacing. They were not surfacing to hurt you, but rather their pain was being released from your body and mind. Supermoons are generally disruptive to human emotions, luckily this one falls into Taurus, the effects of the moon will be calming and grounding to us. The first two weeks of November may have been emotionally challenging. You may continue to experience this release for the next few weeks. The important thing is to not engage with the memories. They are over and in the past. Acknowledge them and thank the Gods for the lessons and then fill the memory with as much love and light as you can and send it out into the universe. 8 - Ewya Nov 2016