Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 6

Solar Ple Chakr The chakra is the seat of your personal power and controls how you feel about yourself and see the world. It is found in the area from your belly button to your sternum. This chakra has a vital influence on how you react and adapt to change and transition in your life. Digestion and metabolism are affected when this energy center is unbalanced. Unresolved emotions are often stored and trapped in this area. The third chakra gives you the power and the choice to live your life as you dream or to remain stuck in your karma. How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra Honor and trust your gut. When you trust your gut intuition, you are honoring your true self and nature. Make empowering decisions which will improve the way you feel about yourself. Use the question, “What is the most empowering decision for this issue?” You mind will think out of the box and give you wonderful answers that will enable you to harness your personal power. 6 - Ewya Nov 2016 Set clear goals and working at achieving them will improve your sense of self-confidence. If you select a huge goal, you may battle to achieve it. So set interim goals and targets, when you achieve them they will encourage you to keep moving forward to achieving your goal. Improving your self-confidence assists in your balancing your chakra. Express your emotions and release the baggage of the past. Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra When the solar plexus chakra is balance you feel powerful and confident. Have a strong sense of purpose and are highly self-motivated. Willing take the lead and excel in leadership roles. Find it easy to go with the flow and adapt to change with grace and ease. Take responsibility for your actions. People can rely on you to do what you say. Value yourself and your abilities. Express yourself in a powerful way.