Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 10

Look at your spending habits and access if they are healthy, if not make the necessary changes during this time as it will change your money karma. Releasing your scarcity mentality during this moon will help you to step into an abundant mindset. Which will have a lifelong impact when you open your heart to the abundance of the universe. The moon will also force you to take a deeper look at your life and access what your role on earth is and if you are living to your full potential. Don’t criticise yourself, evaluate yourself from a third person point of view and then make the changes to step into your full potential. The full moon will bring you calming and grounding energies. During this time ground yourself constantly. It will help the transition of this moon to be easy, spiritually enlightening and life changing. The energy of Tarsus helps you to look at your life holistically, allowing you to focus on issues that have caused you to dig your heels in and evaluate issues you have been stubborn about. Look at what you are holding that no longer serves you and let it go. Forgiveness comes to the fore during this time. When you hold the past, it hurts you more than it hurts the other person. Forgiving the situation is for you so that you can free yourself from the pain and move forward in life. Ways to Ground • Hug a tree – the quickest and easiest way to ground yourself is to hug a tree. This helps you to connect deeply with nature and the earth. • Sit on the ground – sitting on the ground is a wonderful way of grounding yourself in the earth. When you sit directly on the earth your body connects to the rhythms of the earth, which help to centre yourself. • Take a walk – walking in nature, connects you to the earth and grounds you in its beauty. 10 - Ewya Nov 2016 • Visualise – imagine that you have roots growing of your toes, these roots enter the earth. Spreading out and anchoring you to the earth. See the roots moving all the way down to the centre of the earth where they wrap, round and round, a beautiful crystal which firmly anchors you to the earth. • Angel work – call on Archangel Raphael –the angel of nature. Ask her to fill you with beautiful emerald light, visualise green light moving from the earth into your feet and all the way through your body, see the light connecting you to the ground. • Breathe – using breathing exercises grounds you in your body. Take notice of your breath, and breathe slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth. • Crystals –hold or keep grounding crystals with you during this period. Most black crystals are grounding. Black Tourmaline Black Diopside Black Obsidian Jet Red Jasper Pyrite Ruby Smokey Quartz Sugarlite Turquoise