from negativity you have collected from the environment. The ingredients the child
select will tell us a lot about their current feelings which will be discussed with parents
when the kids are collected.
Fairies, Mythical Creatures and Creating Fairy Treats - R300
5th July 2016
This workshop teaches your child about fairies, dragons and all types of mythical
creatures. Each child will be given Angel Ways Book 2: Maddy Sees Fairies. The book
teaches your child what fairies are and how they can see them. They will also learn
about fairy oracle cards. Our child will discover the wonders of the different types of
fairies. How to make your garden and home attractive to fairies. They will learn what
fairies eat and the clothing they wear.
After tea we move into the kitchen where we will be creating honey fairy cakes and
sumptuous snacks to feed the flitting, flying fairies in my garden.
Garden fairy hunt – the kids explore my beautiful garden and search for the best
places for fairies to live and hide. We will put down fairy snacks and if we are lucky we
may even see a few.
Angel & Fairy Stain Glass Workshop – R300
6th July 2016
We will teach the children how to create a
stain glass master piece that they can take
home with them. The stain glass lesson will
teach the kids how to make design on glass.
Each child is given their piece of glass and a
design is placed under the glass which they
can trace onto the glass.
Melted Wax & Melted Chocolate R350
12th July 2016
Crayon art involves
melting crayons onto a
canvas using a heat gun or
a hairdryer. This is a
favourite of mine because
you can get wonderful
effects through using the
heat in different ways.
Each child will have a completely unique artwork.
After tea we will have a chocolate making demonstration I ran a business making custom decorated chocolates so
I can teach them how to colour the chocolate. Paint it into the moulds and mould their own chocolates as well as
making chocolates filled with praline.
Angel Mobiles and Stones – R300
13th July 2016
Today is all about crystals and
learning what crystals are and
how the Angels use crystals to
help us. Each child will receive
the book Angel Stones that
includes 15 angels and their
crystals as well as positive
Animal Communication – R250
11th July 2016
Does your child have a deep connection to animals and you find that
animals are drawn to him/her? Or that your child is continually bring
stray animal’s home or begging you to buy need animals. This morning
course will teach your child how to communicate with domestic animals
and to understand what they are trying to say.
We will cover the following topics during the morning. What is animal
communication, how to connect with and telepathically communicate
with animals, understanding animal emotions, how to connect with your own animal and learning to still your mind
I have 2 cats, 2 dogs, 2 tenerec hedgehogs and 4 African pygmy hedgehogs who will be joining the fun of the day.
Each child will have a chance to work with whatever animal they want to.
After tea we move to the kitchen where we will be making yummy pet peanut butter biscuit’s for your child to bring
home with them.
Today is all about playing
and having fun.
After tea we will be creating
beaded angel mobiles.
Art Play and Colour – R300
14th July 2016
Today is about playing and colour. We will teach your kids how to express their emotions through art and colour.
We start the day watching the movie Inside Out which is a wonderful film that helps to describe the basic emotions
they experience and how to relate colour to emotions.
Then we will move in to a free drawing/painting session where the kids will be taught how to express what they are
feeling through art and co