Ewya Magazine Ewya Magazine Issue 2 -July 2016 | Page 18
When you talk about things that
happened, it’s a sign that you’re getting
viii. But there will always be a part of
you that jumps to comparing YOURSELF
to others (Also see point 6, pg. 53)
His talking about your past is probably really
hard for you because it’s basically like reliving
those terrible moments over and over again.
When you trust him enough to talk about them
– even in passing – it’s a sign that it’s becoming less scalding, less terrible to remember.
It’s a sign that it’s no longer haunting you.
More often you’re probably comparing yourself to other people. How could you be more
like them? What do they have that you don’t?
How can you copy them in every way so that
there’s nothing they have to offer that you
don’t already possess? And quite honestly,
that constant comparing is exhausting. But
you can’t help it. So he needs to show you
and tell you all of the ways that you’re already
special. He should show you how you’re different and wonderful and that you don’t need
to try to be anyone else.
Admitting you’ve been cheated on
is ridiculously humiliating – he must be
Finding out you’ve been cheated on makes
you feel deceived, broken, embarrassed and
stabbed in the guts simultaneously. It makes
you feel dirty and no shower can rid you of
that violated feeling. Admitting that you feel
that way; that you’ve had that hurt in your life
is horrible. It probably made you question a
lot about yourself; what you should have done
differently. When you open up to him about
it, you expect him to respect your pain. It’s
crucial to helping you heal.
He has to respect your boundaries
and your fears
Perhaps it’s as simple as needing to know
that he’s telling you the truth – or perhaps it’s
his explaining that he’s still close to his ex. But
you’re going to have fears, and it’s going to
be his responsibility to help ease them. They
won’t exist forever.
vii. You’re not comparing him to anyone
from your past – y ou’re hoping that he’s
The stereotype that women who have been
cheated are constantly comparing people to
their ex isn’t actually accurate. You’re probably is just bracing yourself to get hurt as a
defence mechanism. But deep down, you’re
really just hoping that he’s not going to hurt
you and prove you wrong.
18 - Ewya July 2016
You need to have him reaffirm that
he isn’t going anywhere
There is probably always a little fear in the
back of your mind that you’re going to lose
him. That no matter what you do; how you
act; how you are; he’ll leave. It stems from
your absolutely paralysing fear that you are
not good enough (for him or any other man).
So he should tell you that you are. He should
tell you that he’s staying. And then he should
You probably blames yourself for
every little thing
Even if you pick a fight, you’re probably
counting the ways in your head why it’s really
all your fault, because you’ve probably told
yourself that you need to be some
unobtainable level of perfection to keep him.
Again, it’s utterly exhausting.
His being angry for you is very flattering, but also not very productive
When you’ve told him what happened with
your previous relationships, it’s really sweet
when he gets angry for you, when his instinct
is to protect you. But his anger isn’t actually
very helpful. It’s more helpful for him to think
of how to help you to move forward. How to
show you and prove to you that what
happened in the past doesn’t have to affect
your future. How to show you that it doesn’t
have to matter anymore. That’s what’s helpful;
that’s what matters.
xii. For a while you will always sort of
be waiting for the other shoe to drop
Your fear that someone is going to hurt you is
a really hard one to shake. So it will take time
for you to not be on edge; to not be afraid of
it; to not be waiting to be hurt again. However,
with patience and reassurance, it will go away.
xiii. Some things will always hurt –
irrespective of how much time passes
Being cheated on is a particular kind of hurt
that lingers. Even after many years you’ll still
remember what that betrayal felt like. There
will be good days and bad days. There will still
be times where, out of the blue, you’ll be hurt
by something that happens to you. It’s all right
– it will pass.
xiv. Sometimes the best and most
powerful thing he can do is just to be there
He should be there. He should be present, be
understanding, be open, just ‘be there’. And
he should show you that he’s not going
anywhere. Because that? Well that’s
absolutely everything.
In spite of all of the above-mentioned fears
and concerns if your relationship develops
into a long term one, you should never forget
your quest for independence. There should
always be a (i) ME; (ii) YOU; (iii) OUR
RELATIONSHIP understanding.
You might have noticed that the ‘ME’ comes
first. That’s intentional. You have to look after
YOURSELF, first, before you can fully give
of yourself to a loved one. You have to be
healthy, whole, complete, before your
relationship begins. It’s absolute hogwash
(and extremely emotionally unhealthy) to
believe the old saying “You complete me”.
NOBODY completes you! You are – or should
be – already complete without a man in your
life. This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t add
value to your life. Of course he does – well,
hopefully! But he doesn’t MAKE your life. Only
YOU can do that - you and YOUR decisions.
Never forget that!
I always tell my seminar guests: “If you take away only one
piece of wisdom from the seminar, let it be that this philosophy will doom you to codependency – and ultimately relationship discontent”.
Notwithstanding everything we learn and
discuss at my seminars, there will always be
some instances in which two good people
simply won’t get along in the long term. You
simply have to accept that and move on.
“It’s been my experience over many years that
people, generally, base much of their lives on
how they deal with issues of fear. Fear of loss
and fear of failure are the two most common
fears. We all have these fears to some degree.
How we deal them determines, to a large
degree, how genuinely happy we will be”.
Hilton Evens (Ph. D.)
[email protected]
Feel free to join his Facebook page (Hilly Evens)
and/or his Facebook group (Friends of Dr Hilly’s
Seminar + ‘HIDDEN’) at: https://www.facebook.
Copyright © 2016 by H. Evens
This material in all its forms (manuscript, electronic book, physical
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Ewya July 2016 - 19