Ewya Magazine Ewya Magazine Issue 1 June 2016 | Page 34

Remember God ’ s time and our time is different so if you keep changing your mind , you manifest nothing in your life . Set your goal and stick to it , have an inherent knowledge that it is already yours , and for heaven sake be patient . If you continually change your mind , you will manifest NOTHING .
Have you asked for something but you did not feel deserved it ? If you believe you don ’ t deserve something God picks up on these thoughts and says “ ok , I will cancel that order because you don ’ t believe you deserve it ”. When you request something , know that you are worthy of it and if you don ’ t feel worthy of it say affirmations to work on your feelings of self- worth . In my case , I think part of it had to do with not feeling worthy as it is a huge honour of having an exhibit in the Unisa gallery . How are you responsible for the outcome ? Each and every one of us is responsible for everything that happens to us . Look at what your internal dialogue has been saying and alter the negative thoughts , and replace them with positive ones . How did you contribute to this ? Consider if you were retrenched . Did you hate your job and detest going to work every morning ? Were you always moaning to anyone who would listen about how much you hated your job ? Seriously do you not think that the universe heard you and gave you what you were asking for ?
Pay attention to what you are saying , thinking and doing will ensure positive outcomes . Within a month of changing this saying to , “ I would rather be in an amazing relationship ”, I met my fiancé .
The most important thing I realised through my art critiques is that this change in my path is for my own good . In the end it helped me to present an amazing exhibition . My lecturers were not there to break me down , they wanted me to be the best I could be , even if it meant the vision I had in my mind had to be altered significantly . This does not mean the end of a dream , the dream was simply shifted to become an even better . I was simply trying to control the dream instead of focusing on the work to attain the goal . Many times we think we have it all figured out but God knows better than you do . He may alter your plans so that in the end you achieve and receive more than you have ever asked for .
Dream the impossible dreams and accepted that sometimes things have to change so that your life can be AMAZING . At the time of change we are often blinded by fear and we don ’ t see the blessing in the situation , it is only later that we look back and realise the change was necessary for us to move forward into greatness .
Be careful what you ask for ? God answers all of our prayers so be precise and clear about what you would like . If you are not exact , God will give you what you focus on including your emotions and fears as your thoughts are subconscious prayers as well . Most of you who know me personally know that I have had a fear of marriage and avoided relationships that could lead to commitment . My daily mantra was , “ I would rather be alone than be in a bad relationship ”. Do you know what God heard , He heard that I wanted to be alone and voilà , I landed up alone ? I only figured this out when I heard one of my clients say it and it was like a slap in the face . I suddenly knew what I had been doing wrong and God had given me exactly what I had asked for .
34 - Ewya June 2016