Ewya Magazine Ewya Magazine Issue 1 June 2016 | Seite 29

Hypnosis It is a natural state that is achieve during your sleep cycle and NO one, I repeat, NO one can make you do anything you don’t want to do or suggest something that your consider irrational or immoral. Hypnosis bypasses the conscious censor and goes to the heart of your mind; when in this state you have access to all your true capabilities. So far I have set up a few different Angelic Hypnosis sessions. Angelic Hypnosis for Meeting your Guardian Angel This session takes you to meet your Angel where you can ask the questions you desire to know the answers too and the angels will answer you; you can ask about your life purpose and see where you are going wrong etc. The sessions below are used in combination with Kinesiology and Emotional Freedom Technique/Meridian Psychology to release the mental blockages in your body that are preventing positive change. Angelic Hypnosis resolving the Past This session allows you to release and let go of hurts from your present past and any of your past lives. We take you through forgiveness learning where you will learn to forgive yourself and others to learn the lesson you were set out to learn on this journey. Angelic Hypnosis for Healing This session takes you through a healing session with Archangel Raphael and your own Angels to assist in healing mind, body and spiritual wounds. What’s Trending by Candice Wils