Ewya Magazine Ewya Magazine Issue 1 June 2016 | Page 24

A first for a magazine, Ewya brings you access and daily updates on our GLOBAL SUMMIT in June. You have a Divine Destiny… like a fingerprint, it belongs to you alone! If you are aware of this or not – every single being on the globe has a unique Purpose! We get to live the most amazing life when we aligned to our Divine purpose … because no one can be a better YOU than you! There never was anyone like you before, and there never will be again! Your Divine Purpose and unique message is critical to ALL of us – without you aligning to your purpose and bringing the Authentic you to this planet – our Universal Consciousness suffers… and with so many in this current age living joy-less, vision-less, purposeless lives… as A WHOLE… we are slowly starving from a lack of destined message and purpose not being fully expressed! Indeed, from the moment of your birth, you were here to deliver a message to the world as an infinite messenger in a human body. You are infinite and complete; and within you is everything you need to live your full purpose and bring to the world only that which you can bring! This Global Summit is rich with information on Individual Purpose; as well as the evolution thereof; aligning with your purpose is covered by experts who do not only have the ability to speak with authority on the subject but who ALL have exemplary and live authentic lives. The summit is bringing to you a wonderfully diverse group of outstanding experts. Our goal is to re-ignite the desire to follow your purpose with all your intent. Tom Marcoux brought a MAJOR contribution in his interview, covering topics such as time-management, how to create abundance, the difference between the voice of fear and the voice of intuition and so much more! Don’t miss this one! Mikelann Valterra– THE Seattle Money Coach brought some powerful insight on healing your relationship with money… as she says “How to create a conscious and intentional life is so much easier when you heal your relationship to money” – and we are sure you agree money is a tool to live our fullest purpose, and a means to live a complete life! You can choose and schedule the interviews that resonate with you. Updates will be done daily. Register as soon as possible; to have access from day 1; although daily interviews will be posted for you to register and access during the Summit. All interviews will be on replay for those who have registered; so even if you register during the summit, you can access any replays you may have missed. Here is to you living your most AUTHENTIC LIFE, PASSION, AND PURPOSE!