of Happiness
How can we achieve happiness?
Let us consider the above definitions carefully.
The main keyword in the definition is “want”.
Trouble starts when we want something.
Every moment of our lives we keep wanting
one thing, or another. Many of my clients will
tell you that I figuratively smack them upside
the head, if they use the word want or need in
my presence.
We all manifest and create our futures
through the energy of our thoughts, deeds,
and words. When you manifest you always
do so in the present and the positive tense. It
is important to maintain an attitude that what
you are manifesting is already yours. This
results in your desires being
manifested rapidly. If you use words like need
or want, they are negative words. This
indicates that you are desperate for
something or that you lack something else.
This attitude and the continual use of these
words will keep you in a negative state. For
example, if you say “I want to be happy”, you
will always be in a state of wanting to be
happy. If you say: “I need to be happy”, you
will always be in a state of needing to be
happy. The conclusion : you will never gain
The Art of Playing
by Candice Wilson
Another mistake people make is, to
continually ask negative questions. Have you
heard of an afformation? An afformation is a
way of reprogramming your mind through the
use of asking your mind positive questions.
Whenever you ask yourself a question, your
mind will go out and actively seek the answer
to your question, and it will draw circumstance
to you that will confirm the question you have
asked. For example, if you ask. Why am I so
unhappy? Your mind will focus on finding all
the negative attributes in your life to confirm
your question. Therefore, you need to change
the question to “why am I so happy?” This will
result in your mind looking for a reason as to
why your life is so happy and wonderful.
Every one of us has a list a mile long of things
we wanted but did not get, if you look back
on the list you will see that many of the things
you were asking for, were when you asked
in a negative sense and a state of wanting.
That is why they did not come to you. So stop
looking back on what you are lacking in your
life and move forward into positively
manifesting your future.
Ewya June 2016 - 15