EWEM Company Profile & Catalogue Company Profile | Page 2
Eminent means excellent
and that is what we want to be!
Technology sets pace for changing human’s every day habits and customs. Many people cannot imagine to live without smartphones
and tablets anymore. Through networks we are getting more and more connected. More products means more complexity. Eminent
strives to create solutions to make the use of technological products easy. We create solutions by looking not only at what a product
can do, but above all how people make use of it.
The Eminent product line-up includes several product groups: media players, alarm systems, camera
surveillance and networking solutions. Eminent offers besides consumer electronics also solutions for
SMEs. This special developed business line includes PoE switches, HDMI converters, access points
and networking solutions. Eminent products do have competitive prices. The products distinguish
themselves by their stylish design and easy installation. The main aim of Eminent is to create solutions
about how to use technology in an easy way. We need to get insight about how and why the consumer
uses the product and not only focus on the technical features of a product. Eminent offers friendly
solutions with a clear instruction guide. The users get support via YouTube videos, the Eminent forum,
social media and accessible helpdesk.
Ewent is part of Eminent and supplies user-friendly ICT accessories for use with a pc, laptop or tablet.
The Ewent line-up includes connectivity, input, sound and vision, tablet and laptop and power. The
products of Ewent come with a fresh and trendy packaging and are competitively priced. The service
is provided by the trusted an reputable Eminent network.
Designed for daily use
The Eminent/Ewent product developers have a clear goal when a product is developed. Each product must be easy to use and easy
to install. We take a close look at how our customers use the products in their daily environment. Since technology keeps evolving
and consumer demands are subject to change, Eminent/Ewent continuously offer product updates. As a result, our products meet
the expectations from today and tomorrow. The Eminent/Ewent manuals are available in many different languages and are showing
how a product must be used. Instead of only speaking in technical terms, we are providing practical tips and recommendations, so
that manuals are accessible for everyone.