What to Wear.
Boys Trunks
Boys swim trunks for swimming in water or walking on the beach looking for girls to flirt with or have a good time at a beach party.
Vacation Date
This is a good outfit for going to the boardwalk or beach vacation. The outfit is diverse for day to night and the dress makes the perfect cover up for your swim suit.
if going to head on a trip with your friend to a mall, outing, or amusement park this outfit would be the perfect choice.
Beach Date
Something to wear at water parks and to take a date on a board walk with his date.
Girl Time
The dress is good for the morning when you decide to go out and hang with the girls. roses make for the perfect summer accessory tho black gives it a more modern look. the shoes brings a vibrant feel to the outfit as well as the bag.
coral is a good pop of color for this time of year. this look is great for wearing on the boardwalk or a date night look. wedges are good for walking on the pier and on sand. the jewelry brings life to the outfit. its a good bag to carry when you don't want to hold it the whole time.