EW WeRox Magazine March 2014 | Page 4

March has been an interesting month for news and events. Three of the biggest events that have happened are the missing malaysia airplane, Washington Landslides, and the crisis in the Ukraine.


Hope and despair: More objects were pulled from the waters this weekend, but so far nothing's been linked to missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Yesterday, an Australian aircraft spotted four orange items and called them "the most promising leads." Today, we learned they were fishing equipment. For families of the passengers, the wait has been agonizing. And the mixed messages from Malaysian officials haven't helped. Last week, they were told everyone aboard had died. Then on Saturday, Malaysia's acting transportation minister said there could be survivors.


Grim task, determined souls: The terrain's treacherous. The debris full of contaminants. And the weather, merciless. And yet the searchers are unrelenting as they soldier on. "We are all hoping for a miracle and people are doing everything humanly possible looking for that miracle," Washington Gov. Jay Inslee told CNN yesterday. It's been a week since a massive mudslide unleashed hell in the state's North Cascades Mountain. The official death toll stands at 21. Thirty are still missing. The search for them is slow, dangerous and full of challenges.


Promises of diplomacy but not much more. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for four hours yesterday.

The result? Russia says it wants a diplomatic solution - but it's not moving its troops from the Ukraine border. Kerry says no real progress can be made until that happens. They planned to continue discussions and shook hands.

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