Zack: Modern Da vinci by Brandy
EducationWorks is sending students to the National Beacons Conference which will take place in Denver, CO in early May. He is currently getting ready this trip to Denver with Ms. Jenielle for a conference. He got picked for the Denver trip, because he is a big part of what we do at EducationWorks and works with each of the different programs. He is trying to raise $250 so that he can go on this trip and would appreciate any help that he can get to go. See next page for details.
He was born on December 16th in Queens, New York. He used to live in the Bronx before he moved to West Philadelphia seven years ago. In his spare time he enjoys reading, art, playing games, and walking. His favorite colors are red and black, because they are dark. His favorite foods include French Fries, eggs, bacon and sausage though his favorite meal to cook is chicken with cake for dessert. He also likes to mix music when he is bored. He listens to all types of music. His favorite games include Mario, Sonic, and Pokemon. His favorite TV show is “Family Guy.” He also likes all anime. He loves to read and some of his favorite books are Warriors Into the Wild and City of Bones.
“Books turned into movies usually turn out stupid. Except Hunger Games. That movie was pretty good.”