EW WeRox Magazine December 2013/January 2014 | Page 24

Untitled by S.W.

I'm gonna tell you somethin

yet I hope I'm not too mean

I'm a very nice person

but your eyes can not see

your eyes don't see all the work that I put my mind through

I try and try and yet it seems like your never satisfied

you preach about being yourself

and yet when I do it seems like all hell broke loose

but what do I know, I'm just 18

it seems that way when you try and explain

my poems take time cause it takes my emotions,my mind,feelings,determination, and thoughts

my art work isn't just something you can just change around

skill, talent,time,energy,being focus, and trying to make it perfect goes into all my art

I'm tired of people trying to change me

just so they can feel happy....

so they can get praise.....

so they can feel like they got control over me....

but you don't and I refuse to change myself because of you

criticism is good...

but trying to change me is a whole New level

Art, Poems, and Stories