EW WeRox Magazine December 2013/January 2014 | Page 19

John Long by Janel Cobb

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He has several types of music that he likes, which are, hip hop R&B, rap, and old music. “I just like to do music. The best feeling in the world would be to hear my music on the radio.” His ideas for music, comes from the things he say. “I step back and think that was awesome.” John wants to have music similar to that of Linkin Park and Evanescence. The song Immortal brings out another side of him. His mentors are rappers. Not the rappers that rap about things that don’t make sense. The rappers that are no-nonsense, business men are the ones that are his inspiration. “Why be in a career you don’t like?” His advice to younger people who want to pursue careers in music is “Stay doing music. It’s advancing. It keeps getting better and better.”

He would love to travel. California, Washington D.C, Atlanta, Miami. You name it. His hobbies are basketball, and, videogames. (especially Mortal Kombat)

He wants to be more then what he is. He wants to do more with both his life and education. He will be successful with his venture and his finances. As a person he is openminded, wise, caring, and self-respecting. His music is mostly about everyday life. Sometimes it’s free-style.

Music is his dream; his heart and even his future.