EW Issue 5 2024 | Page 58

Partner interview

Going West

RefTech ’ s Big Move : Margaret Reeves talks to EW on expanding in the US
s event registration

A specialist RefTech moves forward with its expansion into the US , EW caught up with managing director Margaret Reeves to talk about the company ’ s plans and new partnership with Realise .

EW : Margaret , RefTech has been a leader in event registration and scanning solutions for quite some time . What made you decide that now is the right time to expand further into the US market ?
Margaret Reeves ( MR ): We ’ ve been supporting events in the US for
about ten years , but this expansion is about making our services more widely available and easier to access . Over the years , we ’ ve seen growing demand from both US-based organisers and organisers in the UK who are holding events in the US , so we decided it was time to scale up . We are now storing equipment in the USA for ease of use , and the partnership with Realise allows us to offer more competitive pricing and seamless on-site project management . All of this makes things much easier for our clients .
EW : What role does your partnership with Realise play in this expansion ?
Below : Registration at CHS Leeds
MR : Realise is absolutely key to making this work . When you ’ re running large events , you need trusted on-site support to make sure everything runs smoothly . Our UK onsite team is fantastic at this , but in the USA the Realise team will handle the on-site logistics , essentially becoming part of the organiser ’ s team . This frees up event organisers to focus on the event itself , knowing the registration side is in safe hands .
EW : How will this partnership help make RefTech ’ s services more accessible and affordable for US organisers ? MR : By having Realise on the ground in the US , we can avoid the need to fly on-site teams in from the UK , which can drive up costs . We also have equipment stored on the East Coast and ready to be easily transported across the US . This brings the cost down , avoids shipping delays and transport breakages , and makes things easier for organisers . Organisers will
56 Issue 5 2024 www . exhibitionworld . co . uk