EW Issue 5 2024 | Page 55


IEG growing into the future

EW talks acquisitions and growth with Corrado Peraboni , CEO of IEG Group
ell us about IEG Group ’ s

T plans for growth and for the future . Our strategy still focuses on consolidating our four sector specialisations in global geographies that show significant signs of market growth . In the last five years , we have generated rapid development in the United Arab Emirates , Singapore , China , Brazil , the United States and Saudi Arabia , as well as Italy , of course . In these countries we export all the supply chains that reflect our core competencies : Food & Beverage , Jewellery , Green Tech and Wellness . Acquisitions are functional to this plan and we seek new opportunities to achieve a two-fold objective : to grow abroad and to promote events which are leaders in Italy .

How are you planning to expand IEG ' s exhibition centres and to invest to support the growth of the Strategic Plan ? In January 2024 , an updated 2024- 2028 version of Italian Exhibition
Group ' s business plan was presented . It contains a € 172m investment plan , most of which is for modernising Vicenza Expo Centre with work already started , as well as a new large circular hall at Rimini Expo Centre . Pending the start of the structural extension of Rimini district ’ s western side , we have already started erecting two temporary halls at the eastern entrance to accommodate the commercial growth of Ecomondo 2024 , 5-8 November , and Sigep World 2025 , from 18-22 January . The new areas can then be used for every event planned at Rimini Expo Centre . We aim to complete the expansion and modernisation of the two centres by the end of 2028 . All these investments are self-financed .
Acquisitions in 2024 were in Asia ( Speciality Food & Drinks Asia , Speciality Coffee & Tea Asia and Food2Go ), and in Brazil ( Expo Infrafm ). What is next ? The pointer is always the Industrial
Above : Corrado Peraboni
Left : Plans include a new hall at the Rimini Expo Centre
Plan that IEG ' s BoD has drawn up clearly : invest in the main products , accompanying them with enabling digital technological innovations ; export the most solid products involving the largest number of companies in this expansion process . Various opportunities arise along the way and are ready to seize every opportunity .
What of IEG ’ s record results for the first half of the year ? The half-year results are not only due to the growth of our core products in the organised events segment , such as Vicenzaoro , Sigep and RiminiWellness , but also to those that represent the development of our product portfolio both in Italy , with KEY , and abroad with Sigep Asia in Singapore and DroneShow robotics , MundoGeo Connect , Space BR and eVTOL in Brazil . In the second half , we expect growth trends to continue at the main events for which we are already recording higher than expected bookings . The latest edition of Vicenzaoro in Vicenza confirms the forecasts and the sales campaign for Ecomondo already puts us above the 2023 edition . Progress is widespread with new events entering our portfolio .
We are confident of hitting the near target of € 240m in sales by the end of the year .
What trends do you see in the European industry ? Although at different speeds , the European markets have emerged quickly from the pandemic . However , there is some concern because shows in other countries are no longer local and are now equal competitors . Moreover , in some cases ( not IEG ’ s ) public ownership of companies can slow down consolidation operations ( M & A ), which is necessary to compete internationally . EW
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