EVS in S&G | Page 19

Also there are a lot of souvenir shops, restaurants with traditional food, shops with a huge number of different hand-made carpets from Turkey, Iran, Egypt and other Eastern countries, stone shops, hand-made jewelry shops, clothing shops and many more. On the way back you can enter the bazaar and find almost everything you can think of. Personally, I was admiring the wedding dresses’ shops. OMG, these dresses are just amazing, they are glowing and they look sooo expensive (even though I didn’t ask about the prices).

Our whole day journey ends in Kızılay, back in the reality, in the more modern part of the city filled with huge buildings, people in a hurry, 2-min traffick light waiting, simits on every corner and tiny streets leading to different areas. In overall, Ankara Castle is a must-see sight, so if you find yourself trapped in the crowdy Ankara, you can always choose a place where you can experience the real culture on the way going there.