path and your victories will no longer come as
a surprise to you. The result of such a flow of
circumstances will be the realization of your most
coveted goals! With that it is quite likely that you
will earn a new position, much more significant
than what you were aspiring for before. However,
as people say – ambitions have no ending, so
perhaps you will interpret everything as the
way it should be. The only thing you should pay
attention to are your back. No one should ever be
allowed to see all of your plans. Take this as a rule
and never break it. Otherwise you may seriously
regret it.
The “love front” will give you joy with victories
no less significant. Until the very dawn of the
third ten-day period you can leave all worries
behind. The ideal option is to go on a vacation
somewhere. Better to do so not for the classical
7-10 days, but for two-three weeks. Better to go
somewhere exotic, not banal. You can be sure
that such plans will be realized in the best way
possible. Success will directly relate to scale
here: the more fundamental is the event you
planned, the more success and stellar positivity is
it likely to bring. Try to take as many relatives and
friends with you as possible. By the way, speaking
about friends: you may encounter a conflict with
one of your best friends towards the dawn of the
third ten-day period. Do not hurry to solve it, first
determine what is between the lines. Perhaps you
will both learn a lot and open a lot of truths for
yourselves. This will strengthen your friendships
and will allow to avoid ambiguities in the future.
In the relationship with your passion, everything
will fall exactly the way you want it to. Romance,
harmony and full mutual understanding,
only sometimes interrupted by insignific