Catching Up With
Lisa Williams
An Interview with
Lisa Williams
By: Anthony Mrocka
Lisa was very young when she first seen spirits.
She didn’t know that these people were actually
dead, she thought they were friends and family
that were coming to visit, but then they started to
tell her how they died. It became really strange
for her, especially when her parents just thought
it was her over-active imagination.
know how she knew the information but she knew
it, and it all happened to be true. She started to
tell friends of the experience and more and more
calls came in to do readings.
So that’s how it all started for Lisa. She never
advertised, it was all word of mouth and soon she
was giving up her day job to work as a Psychic
Medium full time.
Lisa lived with this gift for years and her
grandmother was also in the closet about her
Mediumship gift until her grandfather passed
away when she was 7. Her Grandmother finally
came out and started to give readings and
became very well known in the UK.
Then Lisa was invited to come to USA for a period
of time in 2004 and during her stay she met Merv
Griffin and that’s when her life turned upside
down. Lisa didn’t know who he was - she didn’t
realize he was the brains and the face of Jeopardy
Her Grandmother told her that she would
and Wheel of Fortune. To Lisa he was a sweet,
continue with her gift, but she didn’t believe her... older gentleman who believed in her gift.
She had other dreams she wanted to follow.
Merv brought Lisa to America and created the hit
Finally Lisa started to tell people about her
TV Show, ‘Life Among the Dead’ and “Voices from
visions and Spirits. Some people accepted it
the Other Side’ with thanks to Lifetime TV. Now
while others, like her father, questioned it. But
these shows and ‘Lisa Williams Live’ are playing
she didn’t allow anyone to tell her what she was
all over the world. Who would have thought it...
seeing... Lisa knew what she was experiencing
an English girl from Redditch?!
and that was enough for her.
Lisa has had many life-changing experiences
One day a friend of Lisa’s was telling her about
which have helped her realize that her calling in
her boyfriend on the phone and she told her
life was to help others and change lives.
some things that were coming to her. Lisa didn’t