EVOLVE Magazine First Coast Region Winter 2023 Issue | Page 35

Under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act , employers are required by law to provide what are considered to be reasonable accommodations to employees who have physical or mental impairments except in cases of undue hardship , which is in the highly unlikely scenario in which the service animal creates a hostile work environment due to behavior that is not reasonable for the work environment . Much like providing wheelchair access or an interpreter to employees who require these items , service animals are also included in what is considered to be reasonable accommodations for employees that require their use . It should be noted that , under the ADA act , designated service animals are deemed to be dogs of any breed and size that are trained to perform a task that is directly related to the person ’ s disability . This can include everything from physical assistance with retrieving objects , taking medication , detecting the onset of a seizure for those with epilepsy and helping someone with PTSD to deal with panic or anxiety as it pertains to their condition .
Furthermore , it should be noted that service animals serve those with disabilities only and are not the same as emotional support or comfort dogs since the tasks performed by those animals don ’ t directly pertain to an individual ’ s disability . Contrary to what is a common misconception about certification requirements for service animals , it is important to remember that while some dogs may undergo specific training and receive certification for their ability to perform a specific task or skill , this is not required by law . Not all disabilities are as visible as others , so as it pertains to employees who rise to the challenge of the workday despite their disability , it is important to give them the tools and accommodations they need to thrive , as is the case with any other employee .
Patrick Appolonia is a writer from the Flagler County area with an affinity for arts , athletics , and mental health . He is a graduate of the University of Central Florida where he studied Communications and the New York Film Academy where he studied Acting / Dramatic Arts . He is a member of the City of Palm Coast ’ s Marketing / Communications team .