Express Lane
Is Paving the Way for New Business by Seraine Page
“ A lot of the residential expansion is happening along that corridor ,” says Powell . “ It [ the FCX ] will allow people to live in Clay and have quick access out to Jacksonville and St Johns . It ’ s going to exponentially change the traffic patterns .”
It will also bring new business in and allow for current ones to expand , Powell says .
One of those new businesses will be Merritt Properties , a full-service commercial real estate firm that acquired 16 acres for development in Clay County .
“ We are incredibly excited to expand Merritt ’ s presence in Jacksonville ,” stated Pat Franklin of Merritt Properties ’ Florida leasing team in an October 2022 press release .
“ There is increased demand for small-bay , dock-loaded products throughout Jacksonville , so we are confident that this park will be well-received by a wide range of companies [ that ] are seeking office and warehouse space ,” stated Franklin . “ Buildings will primarily cater to small businesses needing 2,700 to 10,000 square feet .”
Additionally , Ascension , a healthcare company , is looking at property for expansion . Niagara Bottling has already relocated to the area , too , where it dropped $ 70 million for its manufacturing facility in Middleburg .
The expressway and its related growth have been a long time coming , says fifth-generation Clay County resident Rob Bradley , who also served as District 5 Florida Senator from 2012-2020 .
As a resident and businessman , he ’ s glad to see the expressway well underway . Not only does he see it as a smart move for residents but also for expanding area businesses .
“ Our community is experiencing explosive growth ,” says Bradley , who is also a managing partner at Bradley , Garrison & Komando , PA , a Clay County law firm . “ The FCE will provide the capacity to handle our growing population for the next several decades . The FCE will also open our county to excellent economic Rob Bradley