Evolve January 2013 | Page 12


You Love to have fun & you mentioned your a bit crazy! So if you were to be any ice cream flavour what would you be? "Rainbow of course - it is colourful & crazy just like me......laughs." Tell me one insane or fun fact about yourself? "Oh, I am doubble joined and I am good at making others laugh!". If you were stuck on an island what 4 items would you have with you? "Food, Phone, Friends & Internet!".

So tell me Chloe how do you feel after your shoot??? "I feel great & I had so much fun. I am really happy with how it all went. I want to do another one!!!". Would you recomend our senior sesions to other girls? and why? "Oh I deffinalty would, Everyone should have it done alteast once. Its such a great expirenance you feel so good about yourself, a great boost to your confienace & you have sooooo much fun. I loved it!"

Thanks Chloe for relaxing with me & having a little chat & for being such an awesome model xox