helped in the reef exploration and monitoring process . With over 140 artificial reefs on 15 permitted sites offshore , fishermen are able to stay closer to the shore and have access to a good catch . Divers and recreational boaters also visit the reefs for their abundance of marine life . The reefs consist of sunken ships , concrete culverts , bridge materials , DOT road materials , and concrete reef balls , all of which have been inspected and cleaned prior to being dropped into the ocean . Placed with the authority of the Army Corps of Engineers , the artificial reefs help to relieve the pressure placed on natural reefs .
Once the artificial reef is dropped , it quickly becomes a place to which marine life flocks , thus increasing the biomass of Volusia County ’ s offshore environment . The organization estimates that for every one dollar spent on artificial reefs in the county , it generates a $ 138 return by means of sales in food , gasoline , fishing tackle , diving equipment , etc .
“ The artificial reefs are working very well ,” added Kinsey . “ I ’ m more concerned about our natural reefs . When you start losing habitat , the ocean starts dying , and then mankind is gone . Artificial reefs may be the future of our coastal waters .”
In addition to the fishing industry , there are many people in the area who have boats , adding to the local ocean-related economy . Popular year round , Halifax Harbor Marina , the largest wet slip marina in the area boasts 550 slips and 8 public boat ramps .
“ Besides the dockage that is paid , most boaters will hire a number of local contractors and tradesmen to work on their boats ,” explains John Bauchman , the general manager of the marina . “ Often , boaters will shop at local shops and markets . The occupancy rate at the marina has increased by 30 % since 2014 . As the economy improves , people have more disposable income to buy things for their leisure time .”
Leisure time sports and entertainment add to the local economy . In addition to the pleasure boating industry , there are other local companies that generate income from ocean-related entities , including those offering surfing lessons , paddleboarding , surf shops , charter fishing , eco-tours , and more .
“ Compared with many parts of the country , the health of our ocean is still robust . However , the threats to the ocean are complex and ever present ,” explains Kelli McGee , president of Natura Strategies . “ Often referred to as ‘ runoff ,’ nonpoint source pollution is caused when rainfall picks up pollution and carries it downstream , ultimately to our ocean and rivers .”
As an attorney who advocates for local issues regarding water quality through Project H2O and sustainability , Ms . McGee is also an expert in natural resource conservation and has written local laws . She explains that lawn fertilizers and other chemicals seep into the ground water and flow into surface waters . Additionally , septic systems can leach phosphorus and nitrogen into ground water that connects to our waterways . This can lead to red and brown tides , which create harmful algal blooms and deplete the amount of oxygen in the water , causing fish kills . The algal blooms are harmful to both marine life and humans .
Some of the ways that she suggests we can help to keep our oceans healthy include investing in green infrastructure ( dune planting to protect against storm surge and filter pollution ), reducing yard fertilizer ( especially in the summer ), and supporting local efforts that promote healthy habitat through outreach .
The ocean not only provides people with a place for having fun , relaxing , and a way to make a viable living , but it can also be cause for concern . As we have witnessed with each hurricane that has passed , it can be a powerful force that causes disruption and economic devastation . The threat that we can ’ t do much about beyond preparing for them and working to recover from the damages . But there are some threats to our local ocean that we can do something about .
“ This may surprise many , but our biggest threat is actually one of the tiniest of particles – it ’ s microplastics ,” says Debra Woodall , PhD , a professor of oceanography and the director of the Institute of Marine and Environmental Studies at Daytona State College . “ It is estimated that each year , 8 million tons of plastics enter our oceans , much of this in the form of microplastics . I have a student who just conducted research on microplastics found in our local oysters . Microplastics are now being found in our foods .”
According to the U . N . Environment Assembly , microplastics are pieces of plastic that are five millimeters across or smaller , and are found in every ocean around the world . They enter the ocean through runoff , river water , and wind , as larger pieces of plastic ( such as plastic bottles ) that break down into small pieces , or they enter the water stream in the form of microbeads that are used in many cosmetics and beauty products . Additionally , plastic microfibers , which are in synthetic materials such as fleece , add to the plastic problem . Tiny pieces come off with each wash . Microplastics enter the marine food chain , potentially causing risks to human health and the environment .
Finding a viable solution for cleaning up the microplastics is difficult , because if it removes the plastics it will also likely remove plankton . The ideal solution for helping to keep our ocean clean and healthy is for everyone , both businesses and consumers , to work together to find solutions , reduce our contribution to pollution , and assist in restoration and sustainability efforts .
“ Our ocean is vital to our local economy ,” adds McGee . “ Residents and visitors from around the world enjoy commercial fishing , ecotourism , and spending beautiful days on our wide sandy beaches . Protecting the oceans is a solid , sustainable investment .”
Jacqueline Bodnar is a Volusia County-based writer , who has a master ’ s degree in professional writing , has had over 3,000 articles published around the world , has written seven books , completed thousands of copywriting projects , and owns several blogs . She can be reached at : www . JacquelineBodnar . com .