EVOLVE Business and Professional Magazine February 2021 | Page 31

These events have been a boon to the area and Al ’ s efforts have not gone unnoticed . “ Al has shown unwavering commitment to creating additional reasons for people to enjoy our downtown . Over his career he has introduced many residents and tourists to this special area and continues to support the community and merchants with his efforts . His work is much appreciated ,” said Glenn Ritchey , former Daytona Beach Mayor and business leader .
Since last March , due to the COVID-19 pandemic , there have been no events , but Smith said they will return in 2021 . Glenn Ritchey “ Events are so important ,” he said . “ People spend their money while they are downtown . People come back later to the restaurants and shops afterwards . Overwhelmingly I hear from attendees that they never realized how many cool restaurants and shops are down here .”
With the revitalization efforts , downtown as a destination will be even more amplified , said Smith .
The centerpiece is a makeover of Riverfront Park as well as renovations along Beach Street . Investments from Brown & Brown Insurance , including the construction of a new corporate headquarters and the planning and construction of new apartments , restaurants , retail stores and more are all in the works .
Smith gives much credit to Hyatt Brown , of Brown & Brown
Insurance , and his wife , CiCi . “ What they are doing is game-changing ,” he said .” And , like the events that bring folks downtown for a while several times a year , Smith said the revitalization will bring folks downtown for good .
“ If we get upscale workers , like the ones that will be at Brown & Brown and other employers , living downtown ... the parks will become a magnet for people ,” Smith said .
“ Most people can ’ t wrap their heads around what a game changer this park will be to not just the downtown but the whole community .”
“ Creating events that will effectively use the park while also involving the downtown merchants will be the goal . Also creating events that will attract the younger workforce coming to the downtown is a challenge to embrace and I look forward to doing .”
Smith envisions events ranging from small concerts with food trucks held weekly , to major events accenting red letter days , perhaps dozens in a calendar year .
“ It ’ s going to become a place where people can live , work and play , a beautiful spot in our community . There ’ s no better use of the riverfront . All of these things from years of planning are now coming to fruition .”
Patrick Evans-Hylton is an award-winning journalist who has covered a wide variety of topics in broadcast , electronic , and print media since 1995 .