EVOLVE Business and Professional Magazine February 2020 | Page 13
will set a foundation of understanding as experts begin to navigate
this growing workforce sector in Florida.
commute to work from Palm Coast to Jacksonville.
“I’m still going to be able to work from my home in Flagler
Releasing the study’s findings in December 2019, Michelle County, still spend time with my family. [It] allows me to plug into
Dennard, President and CEO of CareerSource Florida, is working my office, plug into my clients who I work with. It’s a quality of life
closely with the CareerSource Florida Board of Directors to identify issue as well. It’s definitely helpful as far as that work-life balance
key points from the study and measure the future impact of the that we all want so much,” said Doyle.
flexible workforce in Florida.
Dennard sees the combination of quality of life and flexibility
“At CareerSource Florida we have been interested in the growth
of flexible work arrangements, which is she is excited to share with site selectors and companies inquiring
also known as the gig economy, for some about the opportunities for growth and expansion, relocation or
time,” said Dennard. “What’s interesting start-up.
is the notion of gig work, or flexible work,
Michelle Dennard
within the workforce as a unique advantage for Florida. It’s an asset
“I think we’ve taken the first step in better understanding
is not new. Gig work has been around what the gig economy means for Florida’s workforce system and
as long as work has been around, but identifying the skills that are needed for those individuals who are
what is new are the ways employers looking to take advantage of flexible work, better understanding
are connecting with the available talent what skills they do have and what industries are most primed for
pool looking to take advantage of gig work or flexible work
this work,” said Dennard.
arrangements,” she said.
“I think that can be used to work across sectors, whether
As American workers have placed more emphasis on a work- education systems, or entrepreneurial training opportunities, so we
life balance, flexible work options have can better prepare the kinds of training, and the kinds of education
become more appealing, and employers that workers interested in flex work will need in the future,” said
are becoming more receptive in a Dennard.
competitive employment market.
That flexibility is important to
CareerSource Florida Chairman of the
Board Kevin Doyle, who is a partner at
Kevin Doyle
Wexford Strategies, and the father of a
toddler. Doyle says technology is allowing him to enjoy the benefits
of a flexible work schedule while reducing the daily hour-long
Danielle Anderson has worked in the public
relations and media industry for a decade.
She started her career as a reporter for Flagler
Broadcasting where she discovered her passion for
telling the stories of communities in Florida.
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FEBRUARY 2020 | 7 |