EVOLVE Business and Professional Magazine August 2017 | Page 14
ome may remember back when Mr. Rogers would bring the
local fireman, nurse, or maybe an airline pilot on his long-
running PBS television show to chat with the neighborhood
kids about their jobs. It’s a scene that’s mirrored today in
elementary classrooms across the nation, including Volusia County,
where parents often visit to share stories and insights about their
chosen professions.
Except nowadays those same parent professionals aren’t just
visiting schools, they’re attending them. Luckily they don’t have to
leave the office…their employers are doing it for them.
Facing a skills gap that’s endemic in the Central Florida region
and nationwide, more employers are becoming active participants
in the professional development of their employees. A report
prepared by the Center for Economic Forecasting and Analysis
at Florida State University (CEFA), suggests that educators and
business leaders increase collaboration and strategies to bolster
workforce development in growing area industry sectors such as
culinary services, business management and marketing, accounting
and construction trades.
“The challenge facing Florida’s business and industry is
twofold,” says CEFA Director, Dr. Julie Harrington. “We must
continue working together to expand the pipeline of skilled
workers and support the professional development of the workers
we already have.”
The notion that one can passively survive in a skilled career –
or even hold on to the same career until retirement - is a thing of
the past. These days, most jobs require at least some supplemental
education just to keep up with technological advances. Generations
of current and future workers must continuously adapt and grow
with the times. As companies and industries constantly evolve in
order to thrive, it’s only natural that workers continuously build on
their value to employers.
According to the Journal of Training and Development,
the message is clear: “Knowledge is king in today’s business
environment,” fueling productivity and quality, and making it
critical for employees to commit to continuous self-improvement
so the organizations they work for can effectively respond to
inevitable change.
Fortunately, technology, the Internet, and advancements in
educational delivery systems and strategies have made workplace
by Harry Russo