EVOLVE Business and Entrepreneur Magazine Greater Daytona Region August 2021 | Page 21

Journey to S

First Steps
k Scott signed a law to replace the statue of Confederate h , which had been donated to the U . S . Capitol for display in a new “ Great Floridian .”
lpture was conducted by the Florida Department of State , s , which reviewed 3,585 submissions . The list was narrowed luding Mary Mcleod Bethune .
7 votes , easily outpacing the second-place votes .
une continues her legacy of accomplishment and she will ican to represent a state in Statuary Hall , the first African esent a state and the first and only statue in the U . S . Capitol and gown .

3 s invited permanent e , as the the display

U . S . Capitol continues , including
Fundraising Effort
The Dr . Mary Mcleod Bethune Statuary Fund , Inc . was formed in 2018 to raise private funds for the project . The Board of Directors of the Fund include Nancy Lohman , president ; Bob Lloyd , secretary ; Mary Greenlees , treasurer ; Jennifer Adams , Jim Cameron , Michelle Carter , Brent Chrite , Joyce Cusak , Kathy Crotty , Daytona Beach Mayor Derrick Henry , Sherri Lloyd , Nellie Lupoli , Volusia County Councilwoman Billie Wheeler , ex-officio members Nilda Comes and Ashley Stoekel and recording secretary Danielle Garrett .
In addition to raising funds for the U . S . Capitol statue , the Board expanded the fundraising effort to include an additional $ 150,000 for placement of a bronze statue of Mary Mcleod Bethune in Riverfront Esplanade Park in downtown Daytona Beach .