EVOLVE Business and Entrepreneur Magazine First Coast Region - Fall 2022 | Page 28

Helping Small to Companies Make a C

For many small- to medium-sized enterprises , managing ESG ( Environmental , Social and Governance ) initiatives may be a lower priority than the day-to-day operation of their business .

However , as ESG gains more visibility for investors and as the government begins to create more regulations around it , having a robust and efficient ESG monitoring and reporting system is a must for companies looking to grow in today ’ s marketplace .
What is ESG ?
Different than sustainability , ESG looks beyond the environmental impact of a company ’ s business to how well a company manages social and governance factors .
The environmental aspect includes familiar factors such as a company ’ s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions .
Alex Kiss is the COO of vranda , a Ponte Vedra company that builds ESG operating systems for small businesses . He explains that the social aspect is “ more internal , such as employee