EVOLVE Business and Entrepreneur Magazine First Coast Region - April 2022 | Page 8

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Florida has made higher education a priority , earning accolades as the No . 1 state in the nation over the past few years . Launching the “ Get There Florida ” initiative in 2020 , supporting enrollment in the state ’ s career and technical education programs , colleges have seen an uptick in funding and the welcome addition of 54 new industry certifications available for funding , broadening the opportunities for students across the board in high-demand industries .

Serving as a catalyst , employees and employers are maximizing the opportunity to upskill through higher education and trade certifications .
Fast-Track to the Workforce
Training students from the ground up , First Coast Technical College in St . Augustine , Florida , offers a variety of full-time Career and Technical Education
( CTE ) programs culled from the region ’ s high-demand jobs list . Ready to take a student from novice to industry-certified in less than 14 months , graduating students waste little time and are prepared for immediate employment upon completion of their studies , according to College Advancement Coordinator Arleen Dennison .
“ If you compare a 2-4 year college program with FCTC ’ s , our students only study their major ,” she said .
The instructors are industry professionals allowing First Coast Technical College ( FCTC ) the flexibility to offer additional programming options to meet the needs of regional businesses .
“ We also provide short-term industry programs so employers can design their own syllabus to upskill their existing employees ,” Arleen Dennison said Dennison .
“ FCTC currently offers this type of continuing workforce education in the aerospace , public safety , transportation , hospitality and agriculture industries . Some students use their training to progress on to a degree program or increase their earning power ,” she said .