EVOLVE Business and Entrepreneur Magazine Executive Edition - Fall 2024 | Page 20


Rayonier Advanced Materials ( RYAM )

by Patrick Evans-Hylton

In the late 1930s , America was still reeling from the effects of the Great Depression , including the small town of Fernandina Beach . The local shrimping industry was drying up , and the area had yet to become a thriving resort destination . The mayor sought out industries to come and establish themselves ; Rayonier , Inc ., the predecessor of Rayonier Advanced Materials ( RYAM ), heeded the call .

Construction on the company ’ s plant in Fernandina Beach began in 1937 . Hundreds of county residents were employed building the infrastructure , which began operations in 1939 .
It wasn ’ t until 2014 that Rayonier Inc . spun off its performance fibers business to create RYAM , a company headquartered in Florida , known worldwide for its cellulose-based technologies .
Today , around $ 40 million in direct salaries and benefits are provided to 300-plus employees .
“ There ’ s a $ 185 million total economic contribution to the region ,” says Ben Chambers , director , Sustainability & External Affairs .
“ Additionally , since 2019 , the RYAM Foundation , coupled with direct employee giving , have donated more than $ 700,000 to a diverse group of local organizations that all have a meaningful impact in the community ,” he says .
Employees embrace the community not just through funding but also by contributing countless hours and expertise by serving as coaches , mentors , tutors , and committee members for a variety of civic programs and human service organizations .
More than 1,200 local jobs are supported by RYAM ’ s operations through the plant and more than a quarter-million acres of rural forests .
Jobs include positions in the logging , trucking , contracting , forestry , service and maintenance industries .
“ RYAM is a global leader in the production of high-purity cellulose specialties ,” Chambers says . He notes that the cellulose specialties are derived from wood pulp .
“ The plant ’ s high purity cellulose makes essential products possible , including LCD screens and films , filters , construction material , sponges and shampoos .
Other products include textiles , plastics and pharmaceuticals .
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