TWO DAYTONA BEACH PROFESSIONALS and Their Paths to Career Success
by David Castagnacci
Attorney Kelly Parsons Kwiatek was born and raised in Daytona Beach . Soil and Water Scientist Shailesh Patel was born and raised in Ndola , Zambia ( south / central Africa ). Their professions are as different as their upbringing on opposite sides of the world , and yet both their paths led them to successful careers in Daytona Beach .
Parsons Kwiatek is currently senior vice president and chief legal officer for Halifax Health . Meanwhile , Patel is founder and president of Dredging & Marine Consultants ( DMC ), an environmental and engineering firm specializing in marine and coastalrelated projects throughout Florida .
Leadership and Community
Despite their varied backgrounds , both Kelly and Shailesh share a common perspective on leadership and the importance of community involvement .
In the work environment , “ leadership to me is not about being in charge , but instead , taking care of the people in my charge ,” Kelly says . As part of the executive team at Halifax Health , Kelly recognizes that “ while we all have different roles ( in an organization ), each person ’ s value is the same .” Her goal is to “ be prepared , work hard , be authentic and be an example to others .”
Kelly ’ s leadership extends beyond her professional role . She is the past chair of the board for the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce and is currently on the
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