Evolution In Gaming GAMING MAGZINE | Page 10

approach of killing the forest spirit, even if he claimed he needed help protecting a bunch of people of orphans seen earlier in the demo. As we told the village elder that with the threat removed, the Ladies wanted their tribute. The elder cuts of an ear in response We find out the orphans have gone missing.

We're not going to delve into the momonet-to-monemt action of the playthrough - there was a lot of stuff going on - but needless to say it was captivating. Forty minutes feels like five. Sounds good to us.

The Demo gave us of a good idea of the tough choices we'll be faced with in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In this case it seems we were left with two poor choices - one would perhaps slow progress in our main quest, while the other meant a number of orphans disappeared and a village elder lost his ear. How these choices effect the greater story, how they rippple out and impace the greater world, remains to be seen. We eagerly awaits finding out.

Genre RPG Publisher BANDAI NAMCO Release 24 JAN 2017

The main sights, the harbour, some of the key buildings. Despite the lengthier demo time, we're still given the whistlestop five minut sightseeing tour, and the guide seems to skip over anything but general remarks on what we're seeing, We ask Mamais what to expect from the city.

"There's going to be some politics going on," says the Mamais."Some witch-hunting stuff happening there. Ther's going to be some dungeons that you have to go down into and explore." More a tease than anything, as the producer was unwilling to get into more detail. With a game like Witcher thought, not knowing everything isn't particularly a bad thing. While there's still alot time to preview events. We're fine with RPG-flavoured surprises.

After visiting Novigard we were taken to a swamp area and introduced to the mysterious " Ladies Of the Woods " via a Godling. The ladies controld and old woman, a servant if you will, and in order to learn more about the girl you're chaing you're forced to try and deal with " an evil" that turns out to be a forest spirit. It's a wonderful peek into the world and lore of The Witcher - a world where not all monsters are to be hunted down, where deals can be struck and where an enemy may not be exactly what he or she seems to be. While we first think we're helping the villagers to rid them of a dangerous forest spirit, perhaps things aren't as straight forward as that, In the Demo, wetook the straighforward