Everything You Need to Know to Sell Your Home! Dec. 2015 | Page 29

BENEFITS OF PROPER PRICING  FASTER SALE: The proper price gets a faster sale, which means you save on mortgage payments, real estate taxes, insurance, and other carrying costs.  LESS INCONVENIENCE: As you may know, it takes a lot of time and energy to prepare your home for showings, keep the property clean, make arrangements for children and pets, and generally alter your lifestyle. Proper pricing shortens market time.  INCREASED SALESPERSON RESPONSE: When salespeople are excited about a property and its price, they make special efforts to contact all their potential buyers and show the property whenever possible.  EXPOSURE TO MORE PROSPECTS: Pricing at market value will open your home up to more people who can afford it.  BETTER RESPONSE FROM ADVERTISING: Buyer inquiry calls are more readily converted into showing appointments when the price is not a deterrent.  HIGHER OFFERS: When a property is priced right, buyers are much less likely to make a low offer, for fear of losing out on a great value.  MORE MONEY TO SELLERS: When a property is priced right, the excitement of the market produces a higher sales price in less time. You NET more due to the higher sales price and lower carrying costs.