Everything You Need to Know to Sell Your Home! Dec. 2015 | Page 14
43. Give home unique ID # to allow information on home to be accessed 24 hours 7 days
a week – also allows our Team to track and record interest on home from different
sources and publications.
44. Enable option to “press zero” for direct connect to speak to someone personally about
45. Enable a fax back feature with this, so the buyer can have property and financing
information faxed to them without delay.
46. Create a property brochure of features and lifestyle benefits of your home for use by
buyer agents showing your home. This will be prominently displayed in your kitchen
or dining room.
47. Make info box available under “For Sale” sign making feature sheets available to
those passing by.
48. Use other marketing techniques; such as offering free reports to multiply chances of
buyers calling in, discussing, prequalifing for and touring your home.
49. Help Seller prepare the Homeowner’s Information Sheet which includes information
on utilities and services the buyer will need to know when transferring after closing.
50. Prepare a financing sheet with several financing plans to educate buyers on methods
to purchase your home.
51.Place advertising in the MIRealSource Homes magazine –
distributed free throughout Macomb and Oakland Counties
52. Place advertising in Detroit News Classified On-Line