Daisy Jackson
Training programmes and
local competitions
It has been a quiet month for me
this September, mainly working
on training programs and local
competitions. Due to the majority
of the PSG work now coming along
nicely, Tango and I have been mostly
focusing on the flying changes as the
tempis are the last thing in need of
improvement before we can go out
and compete at Prix Saint George.
Tango and I have been receiving
extra help from the marvellous Nicky
Barrett to help with the changes and
much progression has been made.
We now have a few three day training
sessions booked in the diary over the
next few months so Tango and I will
be staying at Nicky’s yard to have some
intensive training and make use of
the opportunity to watch lessons and
others training which I always find
very useful.
I am really pleased with
Blackberry’s rapid progress too.
Despite not always finding it easy to
focus Blackberry has become a real
team player when it comes to training
as she tries her very best 100% of the
time. Because of this Blackberry and I
have already been out to do our very
November 2015 • Issue 26 • Everything Horse Magazine
first Medium and the fact that Berry is
still only 6 years old and the venue was
a new one for her, she did very well to
gain just over 66% coming 4th. I was
thrilled with her performance and the
effort she put in and I am very excited
about our future as a combination. We
are continuing to go out at Medium
to see how it goes and gain points
towards qualification.
Also, over the past month, I had
the chance to judge at Woodington
Training Centre and had an awful lot
of fun as it was for the New Forest
Riding Club. There were some lovely
combinations and lovely ponies and
I have been invited back to do some
more judging at Woodington in the
future. Listed judge, Heather Ashley,
has also kindly offered to let me sit in
with her to help bring on my judging
skills ready to enable me to become
qualified to judge at BD. I really enjoy
being involved in the sport in any
way I can and give back something
as I have gained plenty out of it. It is
also great to see lots of young people
competing on their ponies showing
that dressage is most definitely
increasing in popularity which is great
to know for the future of our sport.