Camilla , tell us about how your journey with The Silver Stable started ?
" I was working as a food research and development manager and on maternity leave , when I chanced across a local jewellery making workshop and thought that sounded interesting ."
" I wanted to challenge myself and learn a new skill ." Camilla goes on to explain .
" On my first day , I realised I had found my passion . I instantly fell in love , and it just felt so natural to me ."
This was to be the start of a love affair that was to set Camilla on the path to launching The Silver Stable .
" To begin with , I just made pieces for myself . However , soon family and friends were asking me to make pieces for them , then friends of friends and the business just evolved from there . I just never looked back . I set up The Silver Stable in March ' 20 , and we have grown steadily ever since ."
RIGHT : Examples of jewellery from The
Silver Stable
BELOW : Camilla Cottle in her workshop
So , how have you found the past 12 months ?
" Like any new business , we have had our highs and lows and doubts . Launching just before Covid hit wasn ' t perhaps the best timing for a new business , but we ' ve survived and are growing , even in the current climate , which is really exciting for us ."
" I remember when we got our first order , I was so excited , but the fact is that that feeling has never changed , and I never want it to ! I love making jewellery for our clients , and getting a surprise email or message on social media from a client thanking us for their jewellery is just wonderful . Happy clients are at the heart of any business , big or small and for The Silver Stable it ' s our life line , with many of our higher ticket items coming through referrals ."
Why do you think The Silver Stable is thriving ?
" I think people are more cautious with their money and what they spend it on . The culture of buy cheap and buy twice has given way to consumers wanting quality . For the past