Everything Horse Magazine Issue 42, May 2021 | Page 33

“ The past two decades have seen an attitudinal change in the public and growing scientific understanding that animals have emotions , feelings and needs and deserve a good life .”
Chris Packham . Image credit Jo Charlesworth

“ The past two decades have seen an attitudinal change in the public and growing scientific understanding that animals have emotions , feelings and needs and deserve a good life .”

Chris Packham , campaign supporter
something that we have been highlighting for nearly a decade . This is a fundamental requirement for all other equine welfare legislation to work , and we now finally have the opportunity to make this happen this year if Government shows the political will .
“ An effective equine ID system is also inextricably linked to the other vital piece of the jigsaw : effective enforcement and this too will need the political will to ensure a realistic allocation of resources for Local Authorities to fulfil this role .”
Chris Packham , who has lent his support to the charities , added : “ The last animal welfare strategy was 17 years ago in 2004 , and so much has changed since then . The past two decades have seen an attitudinal change in the public and growing scientific understanding that animals have emotions , feelings and needs and deserve a good life .
“ We must act now for animals and ensure the Government does not squander this opportunity to build a world-leading animal welfare strategy , fit for the 21st century and deserving of this nation of animal lovers .”
Other influential names lending their support to the action include DJ Sara Cox , TV personality Angela Rippon , choreographer and TV presenter Arlene Phillips , actress and wildlife campaigner Virginia McKenna and actress Carol Royle .