Everything Horse Magazine Issue 42, May 2021 | Page 30

Animal Welfare Movement

Animal Charities Unite for ‘ Once In A Generation ’ Opportunity

50 animal charities unite to urge Government not to waste ‘ once in a generation ’ opportunity to protect animals

An unprecedented coalition of 50 animal welfare charities is urging the Government not to waste a ‘ once-in-a-generation opportunity ’ to redefine our relationship with animals through a new animal health and welfare strategy .

The group has released a new report - “ Act Now For Animals ” - setting out the sector ’ s priorities for creating a society that rebalances the way we rear , live and work with animals .
The paper sets out 40 recommendations - including measures to improve horse , pony and donkey welfare and others which cover farmed animals , wildlife , and exotics .
Crucial to the paper ’ s recommendations is the role of the new Animal Sentience Committee . For the Government to fulfil its commitment to recognise animals as sentient beings , the coalition is clear that the committee must have real teeth . It must be independently chaired , made up by leading animal welfare experts , and meaningfully hold Ministers to account .
Roly Owers , Chief Executive of World Horse Welfare said : “ We are fast entering the last chance saloon to create a frictionless , digitised system for equine identification ,