Everything Horse Magazine Issue 42, May 2021 | Page 20



Philip ’ s


To Equestrian Sport

Written by Abby Dickinson , BSc Hons

Prince Philip , the Duke of Edinburgh , passed away peacefully on Friday 9th April 2021 at Windsor Castle , England . His death , at the age of 99 , was announced by Buckingham Palace .

A key player in equestrian sport , Prince Philip ' s death has been marked as a ' huge loss ' to the sport . An integral figure in developing the sport , the Prince was pivotal in progressing equestrianism to the wide range , dynamic , and all-inclusive activity it is today . With COVID-19 restrictions still in place , the online equestrian community and major equestrian organisations expressed their condolences and recognised the massive loss across social media .
Early Equestrian Career
Prince Philip was born in 1921 , beginning his tenure with the monarchy in 1952 after marrying Queen Elizabeth II and leaving the military service .
No doubt , Prince Philip would have been close to the horses used during his experience
Photo credit FEI . Prince Philip , the Duke of Edinburgh , the longest serving FEI President ( 1964 – 1986 )