Everything Horse Magazine Issue 41 | Page 15

If despite all preventive measures , the horse develops laminitis , it is important to treat the pain as quickly as possible , to stimulate the lymphatic system and the blood circulation in the foot and to stop the inflammatory reaction from spreading .
and accelerate the recovery of the hoof . How should feeding and diet be adapted ?
Use concentrates that are low in sugar and starch . Horses that are prone to laminitis need a comprehensive approach where feeding , management and movement are considered . As mentioned , be careful with pasture that is rich in fructans and protein when your horse is prone to laminitis . Roughage is the main part of your horse ' s diet . Use dry and fibrous hay that is low in sugar .
Discuss your concerns with your vet before drawing up a feeding plan to suit a horse or pony suffering with , or prone to laminitis . Feed and supplements should also be carefully measured .
Is it a condition that comes on in old age ?
Laminitis is one of the diseases of the EMS ( Equine Metabolic Syndrome ).
A horse with EMS is always more prone to laminitis . PPID ( Cushings ), which is also part of EMS is a disease we mainly see in older horses and ponies . Horses with PPID are more prone to the disease .
Are obese horses and ponies more prone to laminitis ? production of certain hormones be kept in balance .
Horses prone to laminitis should not be turned out to pasture abruptly or left to graze for excessive amounts of time . Horses that have had the disease in the past should not graze in fields that are too rich , as this often leads to weight gain and ingestion of excessive sugars . However , even barren fields can lead to problems , so always pay attention to grass fructan content when choosing the right time to turn out . Grass is highest in fructans in the afternoons and during times when nights are cold and days are sunny ( spring and autumn ).
If despite all preventive measures , the horse develops laminitis , it is important to treat the pain as quickly as possible , to stimulate the lymphatic system and the blood circulation in the foot and to stop the inflammatory reaction from spreading .
Make the horse as comfortable as possible by providing a soft surface in its box , for example , a thick layer of shavings or straw . Provide temporary relief by cooling the horse ' s feet with cold water . As soon as they are comfortable enough to walk , they should move as much as possible .
Regular visits from the farrier are also very important . Often , the farrier can highlight the problem before it is noticeable to the horse owner . Remedial farriery can be an essential element in the recovery of horses that have suffered from or are prone to laminitis . Customised shoes and products for external application can also provide relief
Horses that are overweight or have Equine Metabolic Syndrome have abnormal fat metabolism . This further contributes to changes in hormone production , including insulin , as well as alterations in immune function . This also makes them more prone to laminitis .
Should exercise be carried out ?
Do not ride a horse or pony that is suffering from laminitis . If they are comfortable enough to walk , they should move as much as possible as this will be beneficial for the blood circulation towards the hoof as well as for the weight loss . Discuss this with the vet and farrier beforehand .
For further information , contact Cavalor Direct FREE on ( 0800 ) 133 7483 or visit www . cavalordirect . co . uk .
With thanks to XL Vets Equine for contribution www . xlvets-equine . co . uk .