Everything Horse magazine Everything Horse magazine, October 2015 | Page 48

that you will have that much fun when out hunting you’ll not think to check social media, text’s and the latest news. On a final note Listed in this article are just a few basic rules that all riders are expected to adhere to, remember, listen to all instructions given at the start and throughout the day, rules apply for many reasons, one of the most important of those reasons is to keep riders, horse’s, hounds and others around them safe. There’s always great conversation to be had after a days hunt, often riders find out about quirks and hidden talents their horse or pony may possess, when on a days hunt, they may learn new skills and be surprised by their own competencies along the way. So why will you enjoy your day with the hunt? There’s various aspects about the hunt, from the horses to the hounds, the riding, being out there in the countryside, the fresh air and feeling of freedom, the friendships made along the way. Lets not forget the full active social life, hunt balls, puppy and terrier shows, team chases, hunter trials, point to points and all the social evenings. I have personally followed the hounds for 25 years and can warn you, it’s a riding experience you may well fall in love with! No day is the same and you will gain some great experiences along the way. Hopefully in the next few months I will be reporting back to you with new and old stories , you might even make the headlines when you are caught on camera enjoying your day. Bryan. Images: Bryan Pye Photography HorseHage for a healthy horse... and an easier life! • Dust-free • Easy to handle • No additives • No soaking required • Lower sugar than most hays • Splits easily into wedges • Consistent & guaranteed • Highly compressed bales MARK WESTAWAY & SON LOVE LANE FARM, MARLDON, PAIGNTON, DEVON, TQ3 1SP TEL: 01803 527257 www.horsehage.co.uk Saturday 10am – Easy to use, more time for riding. Julia & Marvin with Alice & Sparky BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN MARK WESTAWAY AND SON MANUFACTURERS OF HORSE FORAGE