Everything Horse magazine Everything Horse Magazine, December 2015 | Page 22

THE FLAG GAME Difficulty Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Equipment needed • One flag on a cane per team member. • Two containers per team to stand the flags in – cones are ideal. How to play Place one cone at the top end of the school and the other on the centre line. All but one of the flags are put in the centre line cone, and one is given to the number one rider for each team. All riders begin mounted at the start/finish end. On the signal the first rider (who is already carrying a flag) rides to the far end and places the flag in the cone. They then ride back, picking a flag out of the centre line cone and passing it to the number two rider. This is THE SACK RACE Difficulty Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Equipment needed • Two bins or containers and one sack (hessian or an empty feed bag) per team How to play Divide each team in two and start the game with half mounted on the start line and the other half on foot at the top end. Place a bin per team about ¾ of the way down the school and the other at the top end. On the signal the number one rider, who is carrying the sack, rides to the first bin and drops the sack in before continuing to end where the number two rider is waiting behind the second bin. The second rider runs to the bin, step into the sack and jumps to the finish line and hands the sack to the next 22 repeated by the rest of the team until all four flags are placed in the cone in the far end of the arena. If the cone is knocked over the rider must put it upright again, replacing any flags. If any flags are dropped they must be picked back up again, mounted or dismounted. Variations You can do this game with only two flags per team. Layout the cones as above but only have one flag in the centre line cone. The race starts the same for rider one. This time, following the handover rider two places their flag in the centre line cone and collects the flag from the top end, rides back and passes the flag to rider three. Rider three puts the flag in the top cone and collects the flag from the centre and passes to rider four. Rider four repeats the action of rider two and so on. rider, who repeats the action of the first rider. Variations Divide each team in two and start the game with half mounted on the start line and the other half on foot with ponies at the top end. Place one bin per team half way down the school with the sack already in the bin. Rider one rides to the bin where they get off and step into the sack and then jumps to the top end leading the pony. At the top rider two gets in the sack, jumps to the bin where they place the sack back in the bin and remounts to ride across the finish line, rider three repeats the actions of rider one and rider four repeats the actions of rider two. This continues until all the riders have completed and the final rider has crossed the finish line. Image credit: Photophilia.co.uk Image credit: Photophilia.co.uk Below Image credit: Photophilia.co.uk STEPPING STONES RACE Image credit: Photophilia.co.uk Everything Horse UK • Issue 27• December 2015 Difficulty Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Equipment needed Stepping stones are placed in a line approximately 30cm apart in a school, or school-sized area. They can be specially bought or you can use sturdy pots or buckets. A minimum of six Stepping stones are recommended per team. How to play Start by dividing each team in two. Half of the riders go to the opposite end of the school, and the other half remain at the start line. On the signal, rider number one rides to the stepping stones, dismounts and leads his or her pony, stepping carefully across the stepping stones before re-mounting and riding to the opposite end of the arena where they tag rider number two. This continues until all of the riders have had their turn. The winning team is the one whose final rider crosses the line first. If a pony or rider knocks a stepping stone, the rider must set right the fallen stone and begin again from the first stone. If the rider loses balance and steps on the ground before crossing all of the stones, they must return to the first stepping stone and try again. December 2015 • Issue 27 • Everything Horse UK Variation If available, bending poles or cones can be used for weaving to increase the difficulty of the ridden part of the game. Remember to safe but to have fun! 23